Why I am Voting For Joe Biden

A friend messaged me the other day asking for why I am voting for Joe Biden.  Other friends have wondered aloud whether anyone is actually voting FOR Joe Biden or just voting AGAINST Donald Trump. 

I have been passionate about making sure members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints create more space for progressive members of the church or Democrats like myself.  Recently I have been on Facebook sharing opinions about how I think Biden will be a much better president than Trump.

However, this friend wanted my non-Trump related version of why I am voting for Joe Biden.  Specifically she said, “I am not interested in a Trump bashing session. I just want to focus on the person and his merits.” 

So, in this article I will ignore the opponent and focus completely on Joe Biden’s merits, which are plenty.  Without further ado, here they are: why I’m voting for Joe Biden.

  1. My biggest issue that I vote on is the environment. I believe that as Latter-day Saints, we have an obligation to be good stewards and care for Mother Earth that was given to us.  She will continue to give us plenty, but we now have the technology to make our climate unsustainable for human life.  Joe Biden was criticized for not having a climate change plan during the primary, so he did what he does best and listened to his critics.  Then he created a climate plan that is both realistic and will do wonders for curbing our emissions.
  2. He has listened to and will continue to listen to scientists. During a pandemic, it is critically important that we have a national plan on how to move forward, led by science.  He was responsible for much of our response to the Ebola outbreak, so he has the experience.  He will heed scientific advice even if it makes him look bad – and that is what we need in our president right now.  As Latter-day Saints we have been taught how important it is to be humble and accept advice based on studying it out in our minds.  Joe Biden does that.
  3. He has an incredible economic recovery plan, one that includes creating a sustainable infrastructure in clean energy (see how important environment is to me from number 1 above). He understands the pandemic is what is causing the job reduction and economic slowdown, so recovery starts with dealing with COVID-19.  As Latter-day Saints we understand that we make things happen, but they happen line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept.  You can’t shove an economic recovery through without dealing with the issue of people being able to be together.  He understands that trying to recover the economy without dealing with the pandemic first is impossible.
  4. The way he listens to others is incredibly refreshing. His empathy is powerful.  He has been through some incredibly difficult times (losing his son, daughter, and his wife; also his speech impediment) and because of that he has an understanding and empathy that is so uniting.  We need a uniting influence right now because we know from Matthew that a house divided against itself will not stand.  We are divided as a nation.  We need someone who can unite us.
  5. He has experience in politics. He understands how to get laws passed and what it takes to move people in the direction they need to go.  That experience has proven extremely useful in knowing who to listen to and where to go for the best advice.  He served as vice president for 8 years and was in congress for much longer.  He’s worked with Republicans and Democrats – working across the isle when necessary to get things done.  He’s not afraid of a challenge, but he’s willing to concede when he’s been outmatched.  All around just aware of his deficiencies that he makes up for in surrounding himself with others smarter than him.
  6. His message has been one of unity and togetherness. He refuses to call people names and belittle.  When the press has a question he focuses on the question and answers it.  He doesn’t take credit when it’s not his to take.  He chose for his vice president a woman who called him out during a debate in the most biting and directly personal fashion, yet here she is at his side.  He puts those problems aside and focuses on unity.  This Christlike inclusion is remarkable in a political climate that increasingly finds only fault and grudges.
  7. Post WWII one of the reasons the United States was able to recover so quickly was because the government created grants and loans for people who served in the military to get their education. We need more education and Joe Biden has a plan for that.  His plan addresses questions on how student loan debt will be paid off when people don’t have jobs to pay them.  His plan includes financial relief for students who need it most – not for families making millions, but focusing it on need.
  8. I really like how he is taking the time to listen to people he doesn’t necessarily agree with (the Black Lives Matter folks, for example). He doesn’t agree with quite a bit of what they stand for, and yet he still reaches out to Jacob Blake’s family, for example, showing real empathy and kindness.  It is that empathy that’s missing right now that could help stop the protests.  When you push people, they push back and the fight gets worse.  When you listen, understand, and start moving people in the same direction, the protests end and real, substantive change takes place.  
  9. The Second biggest issue I vote on is caring for the poor, the widows, and the fatherless. Joe Biden has made it clear that he will continue the Democratic tradition of creating a powerful safety net for the poor, all while encouraging people to work.  I just finished Bill Clinton’s biography and was impressed at Clinton’s welfare reform efforts encouraging people to work while they need assistance from the government.  Joe Biden looks like he will continue that effort.

There are more, but I think you get the idea.  Joe Biden’s principles align quite nicely with Latter-day Saint principles in my mind.  When we move past the (D) next to his name and actually look at the person, it’s easy.

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  • kevin wally
    commented 2023-01-16 16:24:45 -0800
    Uncle Joe chastised Trump as irresponsible for having top secret docs knowing full well he had been in possession of top secret docs for six years. These docs have been exposed to lots of people. He hasn’t been cooperating with the Justice system the justice system has been cooperating with Brandon. The DOJ and Brandon knew before the mid term elections and hid it from the American people. This stinks of coverup. This lie that he is cooperating with the DOJ is as crazy as saying mostly peaceful riots. Child sniffer in chief didn’t have the right to declassify much less be in possession of top secret docs. President Trump did both constitutionally and by judicial precedent. Uncle Joe is such a hypocrite and low life scum. He should apologize for chastising Trump. Being Democrat means never having to apologize.
  • kevin wally
    commented 2022-12-10 20:53:29 -0800
    Matt, you were right. He has been the best president Russia, China and big Pharma could buy. They got their monies worth. America not so much.
  • Andrew Bolton
    commented 2022-04-24 06:08:15 -0700
    So, are YOU going to pay reparations to the over a dozen families who lost loved ones in Afghanistan? Or, are you going to wait to write a bigger check when whole divisions are wiped out in war with Putin?
  • kevin wally
    commented 2020-12-14 12:31:55 -0800
    Hi Justin. Always nice to hear from you. You shouldn’t throw the Democratic party and Matt under the bus like that. I was only responding to his reasons for voting for Biden. See number 6. He says and I quote, “He refuses to call people names and belittle”. Apparently you are unaware that the dog faced pony soldier referred to a young lady that had asked him a difficult question not to the idiot that you think he would have been justified in calling names. Using Joe Biden as some sort example of not making a horses ass of ones self is laughable. He has been a one man gaff machine for years. In 1987 he ran for president for the first time. He lied so many times, and plagiarized multiple speeches of other politicians that he was laughed out the race by the Democratic party. Those are not my arguments they were the his own parties arguments. He has had a strong aversion to the truth even in the run up to this election. I didn’t mention that he has a me too problem that everyone on your side is able to brush under the carpet. That is understandable since the Democratic party of Clinton, Epstein, Weinstein, and too many to mention here. Racist dog whistles? Wow using Biden to call out racist dog whistles is a Joke. The man has been using racist dog whistles, if not out in out racist statements for his entire political life. I guess its okay coming from the party of slavery and not from the party that freed the slaves. I think you don’t understand the definition of fascist. A fascist wouldn’t use the courts to question fraud in an election he would use government agencies like the FBI and CIA to do it on the sly. Oh yea like in 2016. Anyway he learned the technique from the Democrats. Just one point that seems to be lost on most Democrat’s is that they have been doing the same thing for years. Bush vs. Gore. Stacy Abrams still claims to be the legit governor of Georgia. In Iowa, Rita Hart is currently trying to overturn her loss to a Republican using the courts and or Nancy Pelosi and little known house rule that would allow Nancy to seat her instead of the winner of the election. I know you have a long list of real criticisms of uncle Joe. I understand that he isn’t as “good” Berny. So do I. But if you had read the article above you would understand that I was responding to the tongue bath/foot massage that he received. For 4 years we have had nothing of substance argued against our positions, Just name calling and outright lies. Joe Biden doesn’t walk on water. Kamala Harris doesn’t either. Their cabinet members are not Marvel heroes. Listening to you and CNN and others you would think can and are. So quit presenting juvenile and ignorant arguments to vote for one of the greatest Jack asses in history and I won’t respond in kind.
  • Justin McAffee
    commented 2020-12-10 19:47:45 -0800
    Well Kaylee, voting for government to force us to be moral is actually Satan’s plan, right? Ohhhh, that’s only if it’s actually helping people. NM

    Kevin Kevin… we’ve all called people names and we’ve all threatened an idiot with a punch. What we haven’t done is made a horses ass out of ourselves on national television for the last 4 years, spouting racist dogwhistles and inciting violence among white supremacist groups. One thing Biden has never done is ask Democrats in state governments to overturn the will of the people when they voted in a presidential election for a Republican… because he isn’t a fascist. Your attacks on Biden are juvenile and ignorant. I can give you a long list of real criticisms of Joe Biden… you just didn’t hit any of them from what I see.
  • kevin wally
    commented 2020-12-10 16:49:16 -0800
    Since he never calls anyone names. I stand as a proud dog faced pony soldier. He never threatens physical violence except to take people behind the wood shed and or school. He always tells the truth except when his lips are moving or when he is talking about his education or plagiarizing other political speeches. He also supported the China one child policy that forced abortion on millions of Chinese couples and resulted in the infanticide of millions of girl babies. So much for pro choice. We now know that he and his family have been selling his position of power to the highest bidders for years. To say that he or Kamala would bring anything to the White house or the Presidency is a joke. Hopefully when all is said and done he will be retired in his basement with three Antifa masks on.
  • Kaylee Dailey
    commented 2020-10-05 20:45:12 -0700
    No one can say that Biden follows with what Jesus would do. He supports abortion and gay marriage and all kinds of immoral things… how can we say we are from the Church of God but we follow the synagogue and rules of Satan by voting for people that support immoral things and go against our beliefs!!!!! Biden is a wild waiting to eat the sheep.
  • Gina Coke
    commented 2020-09-16 19:18:27 -0700
    Thank you for sharing, Matt Gardner of MP. I am also voting for Joe Biden because he holds values that align with what Jesus would do. Biden will ‘bring back America’ and good values. He will help heal the hurt by allowing the health care experts to guide us on abating the pandemic and by building an economy that works for all. He will provide a path that empowers us, the people, to do what we can in pursuing our jobs, careers, and other goals. He will also provide and build upon resources that provide a safety net for those of us who are vulnerable due to age, illness, disability, disadvantage, and other challenges. He will embrace diversity of all types. He will work to ensure a clean environment for all people and wildlife, every creature. He will unite. We are the people of the United States of America.

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