Mormon Press is a consortium of politically progressive Mormon authors. Our posts revolve around policy, current events, and religion based on the unique perspective of each author. Our content should not only educate fellow members of the LDS community, but also appeal to persons of all political persuasions. Our content presents different points of view by re-framing the issues in a manner that drives constructive debate.
This site is not confined to any specific viewpoint or faction, but it is intended to represent the diverse perspectives of Mormons who are left-leaning politically. Whatever your party affiliations may be, if you are interested in discussing the intersection of liberalism and Mormonism, then you've come to the right place.
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we uphold and revere the Church’s teachings. However, our writing in no way officially speaks for or represents the Church.
Goals of MormonPress authors:
Authors are allowed to write on any topic they desire, primarily focusing on a unique perspective which contributes to the larger community.
Each post should be concise and persuasive, delivering clear points of view driving impact. As they say in politics, “if you are explaining, you are losing”.
All subject matter, including comments, must be “church” rated — we do not support trolling (this includes comments on posts).
Each author actively seeks different points of view, including those with opposite views (fact-based and coherent of course!) to support "a big tent" atmosphere.
We avoid broad-based assumptions that can be undermined and destroy the credibility of the content.
We strive to fact-check all data and claims.
We avoid conspiracy theories and stay within the bounds of what can be proven. Conspiracy theories detract from the message of this site and weaken our collective credibility.
We will not use this blog to lash out at opposing viewpoints, however, we will not shy away from defending our beliefs.
- We actively try to recruit other Mormons who are uniquely positioned to add to the credibility of this blog.