It's an Anchor, Not a Crutch

President Trump was acquitted by the Senate a few days ago; in an impeachment trial without witnesses: a first in our 200+ year history.  In each impeachment trial previous there have been witnesses called by the senate that weren't called by the house.  One Republican Senator thought that a testimony such as John Bolton's could give him some doubt as to the President's guilt, thereby saving him from what he knew he must do to keep his oath: vote to convict.

It was a vote, by Senator Romney, that would yield no political points.  It would afford him no favors.  He would no doubt be vilified by President Trump: the man who just fired the people who obeyed the law and testified under oath, having been subpoenaed by congress; the man who idolizes tyrants and dictators; the man who has just been given license to be one by the Republican led senate.  His speech was stirring, reminding us that there are people of integrity left in the halls of congress, although they are becoming fewer and fewer.  Most Republicans I know have gone independent, choosing that over being a Democrat or associated with the party of Trump.  There are more non-Republicans in Utah now than there are Republicans.  

Wasting no time, President Trump said of Romney, "And then you have some that used religion as a crutch. They never used it before. An article written today — never heard him use it before but today, you know, it’s one of those things."  Having been a linguistics major at BYU I can help parse this out into regular English for those who don't speak Trumpian.  He's saying that Senator Romney has never been a religious man, but he decided to become one in order to use it as an excuse to vote to convict. 

This made me laugh out loud when I heard it.  Everyone who knows anything about Senator Romney knows he is a devoutly religious man.  The integrity I saw was why I voted for him in 2012.  He gave a huge speech about it and has never apologized for being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This is one thing he has been rock solid on for his entire life.

I don't think President Trump understands that religion for people like Mitt Romney and me is not a crutch to hold us up, but an anchor so we know where solid ground is when the winds change and the waves beat against our boats.  It must be difficult for someone without integrity like President Trump to comprehend that there are things more important than ones self; that you can pray for someone with whom you disagree; that there are things more important than getting re-elected and firing people who testify against you in a trial, in a petty gesture of your newfound power.  There are more important things than money and fame.  

Senator Romney has shown me his integrity, and he has earned my vote as long as he runs.  Thank you, Senator Romney, for doing what is right.

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  • Stanton Jackson
    commented 2020-02-28 05:47:49 -0800
    Thanks! The scriptures are full of political examples. We should be able to learn from history not ignore it.
  • Wanda Webb
    commented 2020-02-27 20:02:14 -0800
    Thank you for standing up for a really good and religious man ! His religion is definitely his Anchor for his extreme honesty ,integrity , and dignity !!! Those who know him , truly understand !!!
  • Clay Cammack
    commented 2020-02-09 09:57:59 -0800
    Can we please leave divisive political junk off of here?

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