What is Latter-Day Left?
The blogosphere and podcast fields have been saturated with content. Everyday we are bombarded with opinions and talking heads from every aspect of the political sphere. For LDS liberals there have been very few voices to listen to. About a year ago the LDS Dems caucus brought to us a father and son duo each week with the intent of showing the world that you can be Mormon, be a liberal, be strong in your faith, and make a difference for the better in this world.
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LDS Dems of America Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
While some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are trying to decide whether to vote for Donald Trump or Gary Johnson, we'll be putting forth the case that our Mormon sisters and brothers should consider a third, too-often-overlooked option: Hillary Clinton.
Read moreWhat do you know about the Democrats? Would you like to know more?
For those of you old enough to remember, there was an LDS missionary approach called the Golden Questions. (What do you know about the Mormon Church? Would you like to know more?) This was part of the “Every Member a Missionary” approach used during the 1960s and 1970s. This was used as a conversation starter or door opener to get people to discuss any interest they might have in the church. The idea being to find those people who, for whatever reason, might have some interest in the church.
Read moreThank You, Senator Reid
This is a tribute on behalf of Mormon Democrats everywhere about Sen. Harry Reid. I wouldn’t say I know him personally, but on every occasion that I’ve had the pleasure to meet him, I’ve been astounded by his calm demeanor. Despite his undoubtedly stressful job, he’s one of the most unruffled and serene individuals I’ve ever met in — and outside — government. I always come away from those meetings with a sense of peace. On the rare occasions that he looses his cool in the media, I always think, “man, this issue must really matter!”
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STATEMENT: LDS Dems Stands Behind Healthy Utah
Kersten Swinyard
[email protected]
Crystal Young-Otterstrom
[email protected]
Thursday, February 19, 2015
SALT LAKE CITY — The LDS Democrats caucus of the Utah Democratic Party announced Thursday that it supports Gov. Gary Herbert’s Healthy Utah Plan, the Medicaid expansion alternative for the state.
LDS Dems joins the chorus of moderate voices in both major political parties calling for passage of Herbert’s plan, including Presiding Bishop Gary Stevenson, who joined other community and religious leaders at Herbert’s news conference in December.
Read moreHow To Be Anxiously Engaged (Part 3)
See Hannah's original post here, and my follow-up post after the election here.
The question of "what do we do now?" is ever before us. Now that the election is over, and the legislative battles in DC seem much more complex, confusing and obtuse, do we now dissolve back into the every-day of our lives? I believe that Latter-day Saints who support liberal politics or the Democratic party have a unique opportunity to express their views and to accomplish much good in changing the tone of politics in the nation and in our church. However, we often are not sure of what to do next --
For those hoping to maintain the momentum from this last election, please take a look into LDS Democrats of America as they expand into a national organization.
Please see this article in the Salt Lake Tribune.
Also, please explore their website here.
LDS Democrats of America offers us a way to get involved. Of course, let's continue to show our support for progressive causes through our daily actions, charitable giving, and our Mormons for Obama bumper stickers, but also let's look forward to real ways to get involved in the political process and express our collective Mormon voices! Click on the "Join Us" tab on the LDS Dems website to get involved!