Supporting Marriage Equality and Staying Faithful, Say What??
I was in my English class when I heard the announcement. The Supreme Court had overturned the stay that was issued to stop gay marriages in Idaho after they had deemed that banning them was unconstitutional.
Read moreConfronting the Myth of LGBT and LDS Dems
Recently, the Sutherland Institute posted an article regarding LDS Democrats “trying to reconcile opposing values” between our religious and political beliefs. One commenter boiled it down to what I believe many feel is the core reason members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cannot also be members of the Democratic party:
A Call to Action - help fund Far Between :: a documentary about LGBTQ Mormons
Anyone who knows anything about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints knows of its oposition to marriage equality. And while small steps have been make to include members of the LGBTQ community with sources like and anectdotes of particular wards that are especially inclusive, the Church's top leadership are not backing down on the issue.