LDS Dems! Are you ready?!
THIS IS IT! This is the weekend we have been looking forward to all year. Three whole days of family friendly activities with fellow Dems, and food to boot!
So, the question is, do you have your ticket?
LDS Dems has an awesome opportunity provided by several different underwriters- if you sign up to volunteer at our booths for Thursday or Friday, we get you into the Taylor & Mayne Awards Celebration on Thursday FOR FREE! Sign up by emailing our coordinator, Elizabeth Roberts, at [email protected]. Not interested in volunteering? No worries, LDS Dems still has a great deal on tickets with the promo code LDSDems. You can order your tickets here:
So what is exactly is the Taylor & Mayne? Even if you have been before, you are in for a whirlwind of surprises. This year, the Thursday night festivities include a concert, a comedian, food trucks, children's activities, and lots more, all included with your ticket! Come and join your fellow Dems at this unique and exciting celebration of all that is good within our Party!
How in the world do we follow a party like the Taylor & Mayne?
I'll tell you, but it's a secret.
Although Democrats have chosen to eat their dessert first, the following courses are just as tasty and possibly more nourishing!
The Blue County Project is an all day course in the delights of activism. Whether you are a county chair, a future elected official, or someone who wants to know a bit more than they do about the political spectrum in Utah, this is the place for you. Complete with lunch as well as infinite knowledge in the land of Democratic politics, individuals who attend will be endowed with special knowledge on organizing groups, mobilizing people, messaging to those you want to reach, and properly running any kind of meeting you desire to have.
Tickets to this appetizing event can be procured here as well: There are only 8 spots left!
And then, there was the BIG BANG!
State Convention this Saturday is going to be one for the record books! We are a young caucus, and as such, we need your help to grow! What can you offer your caucus? What can we do for you, to provide guidance and motivation for the upcoming 2014 election cycle?
We have a plan, but we need your input. We need your ideas. We need your vision!
LDS Dems can go nowhere but up, but the heights that our caucus soars to is absolutely in your hands. Join LDS Dems at 10 am on Saturday morning for our meeting covering current goals, future plans, and ways we can further enrich and uplift our community! You will be amazed at what this caucus has accomplished in such a short amount of time, and the real power we weild as LDS Dems. People are listening to the voices of moderation in the face of extreme partisan politics, and we happen to be front and center. Come help us craft the message that will be sent out to the state and the country. Let your voice be heard!
All the details on all the captivating events are located here:
We cannot wait to celebrate with you! See you Thursday!
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