I grew up in a household in which my mother had a PhD and worked while my father stayed home. My parents' unconventional relationship helped me to understand the importance of equality in a marriage, as well as the importance of pursuing a higher education. This upbringing encouraged me to support women's rights and gender equality.
As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I enjoyed knowing that all children of God, men and women, have Jesus Christ as our example. It was comforting me to know that women and men in the church are held to the same standards of worthiness and expected to strive to live as Christ did. Regardless of our gender, God sees our divine potential and has the same plan for us.
I have found my voice within the Democratic party. Unlike many of my peers, I find that the gospel of Jesus Christ and liberal values go hand-in-hand. I believe in equal rights for all people and in the importance of the care of the poor. In doing so, our families will be stronger. I believe that's what Heavenly Father desires of us.
My name is Claire. I'm a Democrat. I'm a Mormon.
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As far as your professional view of the Constitution goes, where did you study law? This debate has already been had out by the experts and the Supreme Court. Funding education is accomplished by Article 1, Section 8. Congress has power to lay and collect taxes for the general welfare.
So we can debate here in comments all day… but suffice it to say that one place to start is in trying to understand the relevant points of view… something I find so few people try to do. I was a conservative most of my life. I dedicated several years of my life to studying politics and found that understanding different perspectives gave me a much greater grasp of politics. That’s what it’s all about… perspectives. And despite the issues I took with yours, I respect your perspective and thank you for sharing it.
I try my hardest to be Christlike. I believe it is our duty as individuals to reach out to those in need. It is our duty to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to administer relief to the sick and afflicted. But when the government forcibly takes from one person to give to another, that is not charity, it is coercion. Was it God’s plan to take away our agency and force us to do the right thing? Nope. If I remember correctly that was actually Satan’s plan.