I was raised listening to Rush Limbaugh on talk radio. I graduated from BYU. I voted straight Republican - telling myself I was voting for the best, without actually doing any research.
I went on to get a master’s degree in computer science and when I finished, I started reading more. I finally had time to read whatever I wanted - not something dictated to me by a professor.
While at the library, waiting for a book I had on hold, I came across a book called, “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein. The book’s basic premise is about how companies and the media have silenced climate change science to the point where, despite near unanimity in the scientific world, it is still something that many in the United States today do not think is real. I read, skeptically at first, and then after verifying the facts in the book, I became convinced.
- During Democratic presidencies, national debt has decreased (with the exception of Obama getting us out of the Great Recession). During Republican presidencies, it has increased.
- Democrats champion civil and minority rights more than Republicans
- Democrats are more reasonable regarding immigration and tolerant of others’ beliefs
- Democrats oppose corporate concentration – limiting too-big-to-fail institutions
- Democrats favor more transparency in election spending (i.e. an amendment overturning the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court)
- Democrats are champions of women's rights more than Republicans
- During Republican presidencies, the government has grown in size. During Democratic presidencies, it has stayed the same or shrunk.
- I support a balanced budget amendment.
- Self-reliance is a principle that I agree with.
I am proud to be a Mormon. I am proud to be a Democrat. I am proud to be an American. I vote for what I think is best, regardless of party.
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