Arnold Friend

  • commented on Lying Liars Who Lie: 2016 Edition 2016-07-22 06:12:19 -0700
    In keeping with the spirit of Hillary’s college mentor, Saul Alinsky, here is a radical thought:
    What if Politifact is also biased? What if the choices they make in what to cover and how to frame the narrative, despite their vigorous objections, paint a more pleasant and flattering a picture of Hillary? What if they are applying a sort of false-false equivalency, picking nits at minor rhetorical flourishes of Trump’s while qualifying some of Hillary’s biggest lies by suggesting, as usual, that we can’t prove it since she did such a good job of covering and stonewalling (i.e. deleting 30,000 emails at her discretion)?
    In other words—-this is gonna sound crazy—-what if Hillary and her cohorts were (gasp) lying about how much they lie?
    I’ve seen this talking point floating around more and more, so I am guessing that it’s coming directly from the Hillary. As for the Mormon Press, I had never heard of it, but clearly it has its tilt and agenda, and I will certainly be blocking this tripe from entering my news feed in the future.


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