Kelly Whaley

  • commented on Lying Liars Who Lie: 2016 Edition 2016-07-22 22:14:53 -0700
    This is nothing more than spin to make Hillary look better(not that I think Donald Trump is honest). Hillary could say “her name is Hillary” (one truth), she is married to Bill (two truths) and she never maintained a personal account with top secret information (one lie). That has her batting .667. But it takes no account of the seriousness of the lie, how long the lie was maintained or attempts to cover up the lie. This doesn’t even take into account the subjectivity of what is a lie and what isn’t (Bill Clinton:“I did not have an affair with Jennifer Flowers for five years” – it was for seven years, so technically, this wasn’t a lie). The other part of this is not every untruth is a lie. They can often be mistakes and one thing I have noticed Trump does often given his shooting from the hip. Hillary does not shoot from the hip. Everything she says is scripted. If she says something that is not true, it is usually for a specific reason.

    So, on the face of this this analysis, I would have to call it around 30% truthful. I think it might be useful for showing how careful an individual is (assuming it came from a credible source), but that is about it. the conclusion that Hillary is somehow “OK” on truthfulness is as silly as “Benghazi was because of a video” or “I only have a blackberry”, etc.


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