BYU professor Ralph Hancock (somewhat) recently argued that modern liberals have thrown away morals altogether.
Okay, professor. I'll take your "moralier than thou" and raise you a "extra super duper moralier than thou":
Modern conservatism teaches that it's okay to pollute (it's not illegal!), abuse employees (it's just business), be prideful (WE BUILT THIS!!!), to be warmongers (but we're spreading freedom), oppress the poor (increasing my bottom line helps everyone...eventually), oversimplify rape (the body can shut that right down), reward the wealthy for their wealth (because the only way to get wealthy is to work super hard...), punish the poor for their poverty (...and the only way to be poor is to be lazy), place extra burdens on families with handicapped children (cutting spending on after school programs is just one of those "hard choices"), blame victims (too bad you wore that to the party), destroy families (you and you: stay here; you and you: time for deportation), promote selfishness (every man for himself!!!), turn a blind eye to racism (ain't nobody got time for race), reject science (global warming is just false guys), and impose my religion on you (and if you don't let me you're infringing on my religious freedom).
There, see how much better we all feel? Now that you've proven that I've rejected morals, and I've proven that you've rejected morals, we can both go home knowing that we've cried repentance to the heathens.
Or wait. Maybe reducing entire groups of people with whom we disagree to the worst immorality we can imagine isn't actually how we're supposed to do it. Maybe conservatives aren't a bunch of rabid hatred-spreading demons wreaking havoc wherever they go. And maybe liberals aren't godless heathens rejecting goodness and desecrating everything Godly....
It's way easier just to point fingers and pretend that the other side drowns the puppies of morality in the river of political stupidity.
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JFK, a “Conservative” Democrat did all he could to prevent an outrageous conflict with Vietnam
“Modern conservatism teaches that it’s okay to pollute (it’s not illegal!)”
Classical Liberalism—that of which are many Conservatives today, not all, want “clean air and water” like everyone else. They just aren’t using the warming oceans to get re-elected. In fact, your visible angst is getting the best of you, ways the Adversary misguides us. If you look at the oceans, their Gyres are suffering full of particulate slurry from waste dumping in our Oceans and Waterways since the 1800’s. So, ask yourself this question:
Why did it take so long for your liberals today to argue the point on Global Warming, since the oceans are what cleans the atmosphere? The Thermohaline ocean circulating belt is probably not working efficiently due to the filthy Gyres: two in the Atlantic, two in the Pacific and one in the Indian Ocean. One element that affects these Gyres is wind curl. So, our unusual patterns of weather like flooding and drought most likely are a cause of an ocean warming. And the ocean filters out air pollution. So, if the oceans aren’t circulating properly air quality diminishes.
Now, let’s look at the Industrial Revolution that your Modern-day liberals didn’t seem to care about when Industrialization was beneficial to their lives. Where were they when untold amounts of garbage and sewage were dumped into our earthly waters? How about even most recently, the barges of sewage and used medical waste up to the 1990’s that left dead dolphins and hypodermic needles on the Liberal East Coast shores?
Look up “New York and New Jersey Bigh.” See, the maltreatment of our waterways has been going on for centuries. So, my point is: Global Warming is a political platform created by Liberals, Not Democrats or Republicans, Modern-day Liberals. The hoax is the liberals, as are you and I, are just as much to blame for this erratic weather and turmoil created as a result.
If Conservatives today agree with the Global Warming mantra, these non-democrat liberals will use the momentum of agreement to benefit them politically as they’ve proven so often. Let me give you a better understanding:
In California the so-called Democrats, the Liberals, argue for an increase in minimum wage and blame the Republicans in Cali for preventing it from happening. Guess what? If Brown wanted to, he could raise the minimum wage right now, no questions asked because California Democrats rule overwhelmingly. Brown (D), executive branch, two top Senators (D), State Senators have double the amount for Dems than Repubs, and Representatives Dems have nearly 3 times as much than Repubs. Yet, they squeal that the Repubs won’t let them raise minimum wage. It’s called emotionalism for political expediency and the modern-day liberals adopted it in the 1930s.
The reason they don’t raise the minimum wage is because they know Republicans are right. It will hurt the economy, or else they would have raised it already with their overwhelming Dem congressional power. But, they’d rather mislead their people than win an election honestly.
Think of it this way: If these imposter Democrats, called liberals, can get re-elected with it, you’ll know it, when they start “emotionally” charging their constituencies with non-facts and dramatic, inflammatory rhetoric. Just watch them. When election time nears watch how they blame and accuse with the most heinous of accusations to belittle and demean their opponent. Guess what? It’s a sickness that is now ruining our country with the Republicans starting to do the same. A vicious non-ending cycle that “We the People” are suffering from.
Mr. Swift, let the angst of your third paragraph disappear and start studying American History. You’ll find you are a liberal, but, a classical liberal, especially when you do your own research and not let the fantastically hateful words of the left mislead you. You don’t need someone to tell you how to think. And when you do this you’ll find that the Conservative Mormons are historically your liberals, Classical (small, efficiently working government) Liberals. Not the ones this site speaks of such as Harry Reid.
Now, not all liberals are okay with those things, but most are.
The examples you gave about conservatives are not the average conservative. It is a few and you chose to use them as an example for the conservative platform. How does it feel to be grouped in when you do not display those characteristics? Even Deseret News did a study that the most generous and charitable are religious conservatives.
With that said, truth is found where ever truth is. Crack open your scriptures and it’s all there. You might “feel” it is equality to allow people to make their mistakes, but that doesn’t mean we need to codify their behaviors into law. Time and time again a cleansing had to take place because the people excused their iniquities. Liberals are the modern day Korihor. They are no longer the JFK Democrats. You need to bail out before you sell your heritage. Same goes for Republicans. They too are equally corrupt and are “Democrat-light”.
You do better not to represent either side.