What do you know about the Democrats? Would you like to know more?

For those of you old enough to remember, there was an LDS missionary approach called the Golden Questions. (What do you know about the Mormon Church? Would you like to know more?) This was part of the “Every Member a Missionary” approach used during the 1960s and 1970s. This was used as a conversation starter or door opener to get people to discuss any interest they might have in the church. The idea being to find those people who, for whatever reason, might have some interest in the church.

This political season, many long term Republicans may be concerned or disenchanted with the directions of the Republican Party, particularly at the head of the 2016 ticket. They may very well question the leadership and direction provided by any of the current front runners. LDS or not, many of our Republican neighbors may be finding that the attitudes and promises embraced by these candidates no longer represent their own beliefs about government and the way it serves the people governed.

LDS_Dems_logo.pngAs the opportunity presents itself in interactions, conversations, in social media or other life activities, perhaps it is a time to let your political light shine in the darkness created by the Trumps and Cruzes of the world. Keeping with the sharing the gospel idea, D&C 123.12 says: “For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” Notice the word “parties” is specifically mentioned here. 

Currently, there is a lot of hatred and poison overflowing the airwaves and written media on a daily basis. This might be an ideal time to share with friends and family members how there are other options to consider. No political party, including the Democrats, is perfect. However, when you consider the philosophical alignment of current arguments it might be a lot easier to help others see how the ideals espoused within the platforms proposed by the democratic candidates may be more in line with a majority of these friend’s and family’s personal belief systems.

In a letter recently read across the pulpit of every LDS meetinghouse in Utah, in preparation for this week’s party caucus meetings, the First Presidency said:

Principles compatible with the gospel may be found in the platforms of various political parties.”

Certainly, there are also things in the various political parties that might conflict with some gospel principles. As with any single issue, if you focus solely on that one issue, your view of the overall picture might be clouded. However, now might be the time to take your politics out from under a basket and put it on a candlestick for all to see. Maybe it’s time to ask our neighbors and friends: “What do you know about the Democrats? Would you like to know more?”

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