Brian Zagami

  • commented on Lying Liars Who Lie: 2016 Edition 2016-07-21 14:46:10 -0700
    I hate to point this out but anything coming from the “Mormons” should be looked at with suspicion and incredulity. I say this for Mormons are already forced into a warped view of the world at birth where they are indoctrinated that Jesus Christ traveled to America and tried to tame the Narive Americans. Also the original tenants of the church were less than inclusive for those people of “color”. It’s just laughable to me that your entire religion is so obviously a patent lie created by a con artist, that you live this lie everyday, and yet you want us to believe anything you say. Even if you are correct the very basis of Mormonism make anything that comes from the church / Mormon based publications not to be believed but to be scrutinized and fact checked and scrutinized.


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