Why I am a Mormon Democrat: Herm Olsen

I am a proud LDS Democrat because I believe we must renounce war, and proclaim peace. We must honor and respect ALL of God’s children, regardless of their origin, ethnicity or religion. We must honor and cherish Mother Earth, and respect the air, the water, and the mountains. We must build bridges, not walls. We must share the goodness of the Gospel with our actions more than our words.


We must elect good, decent and honorable men and women who show common sense and decency to all Americans, and to all citizens of the world. Are we not all brothers and sisters? Then our words and actions must demonstrate that. Do we not believe that education is the hallmark of an enlightened society, and we can elevate to the higher realms of heaven not in ignorance, but in eternal knowledge? And doesn’t that begin by supporting an extraordinary public education system from K- post graduate? We ought to put our money where our mouths are on these issues, which unavoidably renders us closer to the Democratic ideals than any other party.

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  • Mark Solorzano
    commented 2020-10-19 12:27:46 -0700
    How do you square being Mormon and supporting a political party that celebrates and encourages abortion, especially partial birth abortion?
  • Gina Coke
    commented 2017-07-01 20:49:09 -0700
    I agree with your statement, Herm Olsen. I vote for policies that protect the people, especially the vulnerable (the poor, the elderly, children, the disabled, physically and mentally). This is what Jesus did through His actions and teachings. I also vote for policies that protect our environment, our Earth. We are to be good stewards. I believe the purpose of the government is to set laws to level the playing field for protection of the common citizens from the powerful. Our nation is a nation for all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful. We all will be held accountable for our personal choices. The government has no place to dictate those matters. However, when the government tries to pass bills that will cut protections for the vulnerable that encumbers freedom. Democratic values support freedom through equity and fairness. Those who are wealthy should pay more taxes to help the vulnerable. Consider the fairness of our tithing. It is 10%. Those with greater income pay more, and those with less pay less. We all contribute. It is fair. Our national government should make laws to follow such guidelines. The greed of those in power will hurt our nation more than terrorism. We stand for the values of democracy as a welcoming beacon to others in the world. I agree we should build bridges and not walls.
  • Carolyn Woffinden
    commented 2016-08-17 10:54:33 -0700
    so happy to have a back-and-forth with my fellow Mormon dems!

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